Lately I've been craving one, so I bought myself a crusty loaf of artisan Tuscan bread. Picked up a package of marbled Swiss & Colby cheese and prepared to soften up some butter. Assemble as normal, brush with softened butter and let the heat do it's magic. It was just as delicious as I had hoped. Gooey, crusty, crunchy, chewy, buttery and warm. The perfect lunch for a cold day!
Agreed, this is not a healthy sandwich, but it is soooo good no matter which way you make it. However, better bread, better cheese, and using real butter will give you the BEST that grilled cheese has to offer. Also, a nice clean griddle is always a plus.
Now, the magic of grilling things in bread is that the options and combination never cease to vary. I showed you a traditional grilled cheese, now let me share with you a sweet variation:
Same Tuscan artisan bread, this time smeared with Berry whipped-cream cheese, topped with a few slices of banana and a dozen or so chocolate chips. Brush with butter and grilled to warm ooey-goodness! The only change I would make to this delicious dessert edition would be to halve the chocolate chips next time. 6 or 7 strategically placed chips would have been perfect.
Give it a try! Experiment with grilled cheese: sweet and savory! The possibilities are endless!